What to Expect


What time are your services?

We have one service every Sunday at 10 am.

For Sunday Bible Study please check our calendar and sign up for our newsletter.


What do I wear?

People wear a wide range at St. Mary's! Some come in shorts and others in suits. Dress for your comfort!


How do I get there?

We're on Gravelly Lake Dr SW across from the Town Center.


Where do I park?

We have parking right in front of the church as well as a back parking lot. If you park in the back, you will need to follow the sidewalk around to the front to enter.



What do you do on Sunday?

We pray, we sing, we listen to the Scriptures read, and we receive Holy Communion as Jesus said every time we meet. Our worship follows a pattern we call "liturgy" which is created in community by our wider church and can be found in the Book of Common Prayer - a book which contains are communal prayers and worship. This liturgy follows many ancient patterns of Christian worship, words which have been meaningful to Christians through time, as well as modern words for our own time.


What about childcare?

We have both Sunday School and Nursery available during worship!

We welcome them to join us throughout the entire service or we have both a nursery and Sunday School available.  If you are interested in one of those, ask a greeter.  Nursery and Sunday School are both located through the double doors on the left, after you enter through the main doors.  Then it is the first door on the right.  Nursery is for infants through 3-4 year olds.  Sunday School is for pre-school through elementary school.  Sunday School is in the beginning of the service and the children return into church mid-way through the service in time for communion.

Just ask a Greeter and they can direct you to both!


Communion every Sunday?

Yes! Following the example of the early Church, we have Communion every Sunday.

All Christians who have been baptized with water in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are invited to receive the Sacrament of Christ's Body and Blood. Our tradition is to come to the altar and kneel or stand at the rail.

If you do not wish to receive or have not been baptized, you are invited up for a blessing from the priest during that time. Just cross your arms across your chest to indicate you are not receiving.

We use real wine and not grape juice, so if you wish to only take the bread then you may do so and cross our arms as the chalice comes by.


What's next?

When you visit please fill out a visitor card and introduce yourself to our priest. Also check out our Visitor Sunday each month to meet our priest and ask questions.


Visitor Sundays

One a month we have a special Sunday for any visitors, new comers, or anyone interested to learn more about St. Mary's. Join us on these days after worship during coffee hour at a special table to meet our priest and someone from our Hospitality Team. If you want to know more about us or how to get involved then this is for you!


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